North One Building - Suite 106, 9 Salvado Road
Subiaco, Western Australia 6008

Cancer Council Western Australia
The Cancer Council Western Australia (CCWA) provides a vast array of information and supports to Western Australian’s affected by cancer. Easy access to support and information is available through the Cancer Council help line by phoning 13 11 20. In addition, patients and carers can access information seminars, wellness programs, support groups and practical resources such as the Wig Library, Counselling services, Legal and Financial Planning and accommodation for country patients travelling to Perth for treatment covered by PATS.
Patient Assisted Travel Scheme
The Patient Assisted Travel Scheme (PATS) provides permanent country residents in a WA Country Health Service region with financial assistance when travelling more than 70kms to access specialist medical treatment for cancer. PATS provides a subsidy to eligible patients; however, it may not cover all costs associated with travel and accommodation. For more information about eligibility and what PATS provides, please visit the website.
Melanoma WA
Melanoma WA aims to minimise the impact of Melanoma on West Australians by providing support services to people diagnosed with or affected by Melanoma. Support is offered through peer support, one-on-one, telephone and group support. The organisation also provides financial assistance for those people diagnosed with Melanoma who are experiencing financial hardship. Melanoma WA plays an active role in raising community awareness about Melanoma through education sessions and community skin screenings.
Ovarian Cancer Australia
Ovarian Cancer Australia is a key part of an international alliance of ovarian cancer organisations who work to raise awareness of ovarian cancer on a global scale. Ovarian Cancer Australia’s vision is to “save lives and ensure no woman with ovarian cancer walks alone”. The organisation provides information and support to women affected by ovarian cancer and plays an active role in the facilitation of research and raising awareness of the disease. The organisation provides access to support groups, tele support and Support Program Coordinators by contacting 1300 660 334.
CanTeen provides specialised support for people affected by cancer who are aged between 12 and 25 years of age. Supports offered are for those age groups diagnosed with cancer and those age groups whose parents or siblings have been diagnosed with cancer. CanTeen provides peer support programs, counselling, the ability to connect with a network of other young people affected by cancer including through overnight and recreation day programs. To talk to a Health Professional about support for young people affected by cancer, call 1800 835 932.
Solaris Cancer Care
Solaris Cancer Care offers unconditional support to all people in Western Australia affected by cancer, including carers and family members, through all stages of the illness, including long term survivors and bereaved families.
Solaris Cancer Care's programs cover important areas of wellbeing for individuals with cancer and their families. In offering personalised support services, Solaris Cancer Care can personalise programs to integrate with chosen lifestyle and treatment regimes.
Support offered includes; counselling, education sessions and workshops, complimentary therapies such as Reiki, massage, Bowen Therapy and many other therapies. There is not charge for accessing the supports provided by Solaris cancer Care and centres are located in Albany, Bunbury, Cottesloe, Subiaco and Nedlands. For further details, please contact Solaris Cancer Care on 08 9384 3544.
Psycho-oncology Services of WA
Cancer can involve many new and challenging experiences which can be distressing for the person diagnosed with cancer, and family members. Everyone’s experience of and response to cancer is unique. It is common to experience feelings (e.g. fear, sadness and anger), worries, and temporary changes in appetite, sleep and motivation. This can be a normal and healthy response to the stressful aspects of cancer.
About a third of people experience distress and suffering that is more intense, persistent and overwhelms their coping. This may disrupt relationships, activities, and cancer treatment. Cancer-related issues such as fatigue, pain and nausea may also be affected by distress. People in this situation may benefit from working with a Clinical Psychologist to get unstuck and back on track.
WA Psycho-Oncology Service (also known as WAPOS) provides clinical psychology care to adult Western Australians who are diagnosed with cancer. Support for family members is no longer available through WAPOS, however alternative options for support can be accessed through Cancer Council WA and private counsellors and therapists. Please discuss your needs at time of consultation with Dr Meniawy or Sam Gibson. The service is administered by the WA Cancer and Palliative Care Network and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital - Medical Specialties Division and is offered without charge for people holding a valid Medicare card.
Continence and Management Advisory Service
CMAS is a free service, funded by the West Australian Government. Trained nurses provide support to manage and improve continence issues through personalised management strategies including continence management plans, appropriate routines, bladder training, dietary suggestions, counselling and advice.
If you require continence products, CMAS will provide you with information on what’s available and will help you make the best choice. Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for the Continence Management and Subsidy Scheme (CMASS) to receive subsidised continence products.
There are a number of CMAS clinics in WA. If you live in the country and are a long way from a clinic, you may be able to have your assessment with a nurse over the telephone at no cost to you. Home visits are available in special circumstances should patients be unable to travel to a clinic for health reasons. CMAs can be contacted on 1300 787 055.